Friday 28 October 2011

Shoebox Sunday

The boxes have begun to arrive - we're nearly there!

260 gorgeously filled boxes were presented to Carolyn Gercke last week following the Shoebox Sunday Service on 23rd October at 10:30am at Emmanuel Church, Guildford. 100 of the boxes had been collected from a local school and the others came from groups and families within the church

The church was packed and the entire service revolved around the theme of “accepting Jesus’s love and then giving that love we have received to others”.  The congregation watched the DVD clip below and afterwards the shoeboxes were collected at the front of the church and blessed. It was a very moving part of the service and helped everyone to focus on the key messages of the campaign.

Let's pray that there are many other Shoebox Sunday's planned throughout the area over the next few weeks.

Thursday 27 October 2011

How many bars of soap???

The Homemakers Group in Farnham have been busy all year supporting OCC and last Wednesday were making up yet more valuable toiletry bags to be included in the shoeboxes.
The group has been active for over 30 years and has embraced shoeboxes since about 2005 when Maureen (of Kyrgzstan fame below) arranged for Carolyn to visit and share shoebox stories. Many of the group will also be volunteering on warehouse duties in the coming weeks, so they'll be kept busy.

Farnham  Homemakers

So how many bars of soap did they pack? .........answers on a postcard please!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

The Warehouse is confirmed

Drum roll please...... the location of this year's warehouse has been confirmed !!!

As last year's warehouse was no longer available, the search was on to find a different location somewhere within the Guildford/Godalming area. A site was identified and after approval from Head Office it was confirmed.
For those of you who knew last year's warehouse, this one is bigger, much bigger, in fact maybe 5 times bigger! It's been suggested that we'll need a golf buggy to get from one side to the other - well at least we'll all get fit :-)

So here are the details     
     Wurth House, Cattershall Lane, Godalming, GU7 1NP

If you are approaching from Guildford towards Godalming, go past the crematorium and the lake, turn left after the Esso garage and follow the road round, the warehouse is on the right. Here's a preview.

We'll be there from
Mon 14th Nov - Fri 2nd Dec    9:30am - 4:00pm
Saturday 19th & 26th Nov      10:00am - 3:00pm

So come one, come all, come and join us  -- just wear comfy shoes!